A Crude Awakening - Wellington

Where: Newtown Community Centre, cnr Rintoul and Columbo Sts
When: 8th July, 7 pm - 9 pm

We're showing the documentary 'A Crude Awakening'. It's a lot like End of Suburbia, only better.

After the film there will be a short presentation of the 'Transition Towns solution', and a facilitated discussion.

From the back of the DVD: "Our civilisation's addiction to oil has put us on a collusion course with disaster. The idea that the world's oil supplies will soon peak is gaining mainstream currency; our industrial society, built on cheap and readily available oil, must be completely re-imagined and overhauled.

Whilst hinting at just how dark the post-oil world could be, this highly entertaining yet disturbing expose provides not only questions but a glimmer of possible solutions to the most perplexing and important economic, environmental, and public policy issue of our time."


7 pm - Introduction

7:05pm - A Crude Awakening

8:30 pm - Introduction to Transition Towns

8:45 pm - Discussion, Questions and Answers

9 pm - Responding positively - make an action plan

Gold coin appreciated to cover costs.

Contact: wellington-south-transition-towns@googlegroups.com



Some ideas from the South Welly community...

  • Reduce dependence on the "system" - food - transport
  • Civic wind and solar projects
  • Encouragement (and subsidisation?) of domestic power wind and solar energy
  • Civic geothermal...
  • www.simplygoodfood.co.nz LOCAL.  ORGANIC.
  • Walk to work or ride the bus more
  • Installing solar panels
  • Get to know my neighbours better/share veges and fruit
  • Buy local produce at local markets
Rimu's picture

I'm going to make a page for

I'm going to make a page for these, rather than comment below the event :)