Steering Group meeting minutes February and March 2010

Transition Town Brooklyn

Steering Committee

Minutes - Weds 10th Febuary 2010

Belinda, Spence, Rob, Mike R, Hina


Timetable for meetings:

Feb                  Waste Group

March              Food Group    (Mel coord) Gathering our seeds

April                Make your own cleaning products      28th + cover charge Amy B

May                 Waste Group

June                 Food Group

July                  Film night

August                        Waste Group

September       Food Group

October           Make your own cleaning products

November       Waste Group

December        Food Group


Transport Issues:

To Do:

  1. check out films for showing in July - consistent TT UK


Next Steering Group: transport Group

Invite people within TPT to explore possible options - Belinda to organise the invite



Frock Swap     24th April Saturday

Book Swap

Childrens Clothing

Something for the blokes - tool swap, basic maintenance.

Start a book group

Stuff/Treasure Swap - must be in working condition

Ask library to stock TT related books             Rob - no response



Transition Town Brooklyn

Steering Committee Minutes

10 March 2010

Belinda Smart, Hina Alvi, Mike Rosser, Louise Hoather, Ann Locke, Barbara ?, Claire Baker


Mike Rosser read the last minutes.


Jan                   Ron Leanne

Feb                  Waste

March              Food

April/August   Cleaning

May                 Waste

June                 Waste *

Repeat cycle for rest of year

28th April         Amy run interactive workshop, cover charge set for evening, TT get products

March              Seed gathering workshop, Mel working on it?


Mike suggest October  launch transport group.  Issues include No. 8 bus improvement.  Hina to check transport ideas and Green policies.


Film evening:

The Convenient Truth, Small Action, Mid July Garbarge Warrior, The State of the Planet David Attengorough. Belina/Marc.


Frock Swap or kilt swap, book swap, childrens clothing, something for the blokes, old treasures (DOC model), swap your stuff, services or photos, free? Cycle.


Reading group (Enfac model), adjunct to book swap

Rob was going to check at library (Brooklyn) related to our themes for the month. Everything is organised for somebody to take out.


A4 Poster - designed, proof with Belina and Marc.


Mission Statement:

Aim, objectives for the year.

Measure on the table and review by email our objectives.

Pull ideas from our constitution, TT website, TT handbook.

Louise and Claire to search handbook and TT website.

No more than 5 ideas

Widen research on TT website, where are we/wider groups.

Waste Group have put together some ideas - check on website.


Food Group:

18 months olds

Mel Beirne? And Kelda hains.

Then Mel and Kelda set up orchard in Harrison St

Another planting planned for later in season

Mark in Dorking rd donates the use of his land. Eight started, dropped to 1-3. Planted last September.

Aims - Develop flyer to attract more people and gardens

English TT site - you all work out of the best intentions.


Encroachment map of Brooklyn for spare land.


Spencer has a March meeting topic if food group seed swap idea falls over - local currency speaker.

Transition Town Brooklyn

Steering Committee


Belinda, Spence, Rob, Mike R, Hina


Timetable for meetings:

Feb                  Waste Group

March              Food Group    (Mel coord) Gathering our seeds

April                Make your own cleaning products      28th + cover charge Amy B

May                 Waste Group

June                 Food Group

July                  Film night

August                        Waste Group

September       Food Group

October           Make your own cleaning products

November       Waste Group

December        Food Group


Transport Issues:

To Do:

  1. check out films for showing in July - consistent TT UK


Next Steering Group: transport Group

Invite people within TPT to explore possible options - Belinda to organise the invite



Frock Swap     24th April Saturday

Book Swap

Childrens Clothing

Something for the blokes - tool swap, basic maintenance.

Start a book group

Stuff/Treasure Swap - must be in working condition

Ask library to stock TT related books             Rob - no response



Transition Town Brooklyn

Steering Committee Minutes

10 March 2010

Belinda Smart, Hina Alvi, Mike Rosser, Louise Hoather, Ann Locke, Barbara ?, Claire Baker


Mike Rosser read the last minutes.


Jan                   Ron Leanne

Feb                  Waste

March              Food

April/August   Cleaning

May                 Waste

June                 Waste *

Repeat cycle for rest of year

28th April         Amy run interactive workshop, cover charge set for evening, TT get products

March              Seed gathering workshop, Mel working on it?


Mike suggest October  launch transport group.  Issues include No. 8 bus improvement.  Hina to check transport ideas and Green policies.


Film evening:

The Convenient Truth, Small Action, Mid July Garbarge Warrior, The State of the Planet David Attengorough. Belina/Marc.


Frock Swap or kilt swap, book swap, childrens clothing, something for the blokes, old treasures (DOC model), swap your stuff, services or photos, free? Cycle.


Reading group (Enfac model), adjunct to book swap

Rob was going to check at library (Brooklyn) related to our themes for the month. Everything is organised for somebody to take out.


A4 Poster - designed, proof with Belina and Marc.


Mission Statement:

Aim, objectives for the year.

Measure on the table and review by email our objectives.

Pull ideas from our constitution, TT website, TT handbook.

Louise and Claire to search handbook and TT website.

No more than 5 ideas

Widen research on TT website, where are we/wider groups.

Waste Group have put together some ideas - check on website.


Food Group:

18 months olds

Mel Beirne? And Kelda hains.

Then Mel and Kelda set up orchard in Harrison St

Another planting planned for later in season

Mark in Dorking rd donates the use of his land. Eight started, dropped to 1-3. Planted last September.

Aims - Develop flyer to attract more people and gardens

English TT site - you all work out of the best intentions.


Encroachment map of Brooklyn for spare land.


Spencer has a March meeting topic if food group seed swap idea falls over - local currency speaker.