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Steering group meeting - Weds 9 June 2010 - MINUTES AND ACTION POINTS
STEERING Group Meeting
Date of meeting: Weds 9 June 2010 Location: Penthouse Time: 6-7.30pm
Individuals present: Hina Alvi, Kelda Hains, Spencer Crocker, Conner,
Apologies from: Belinda Sharp, Marc Slade, Cheyenne Miller
Chair/Minute Taker: Hina Alvi
AGENDA (Refer to previous meeting's minutes and/or fill in at beginning of meeting):
Standing item - To send out pre-agenda to food group reps - Anne, Mel and Kelda
Standing item - Everyone to email Tattler stuff directly to Karen before end of each month
Standing Item - Fundraising - Belinda to talk to Marc about accessing funds in Wellington.
Belinda to collate food group meeting into leaftet and ask Donna (WCC) to take some to Bokashi event -Roll over to next mtg (Roll Over to next meeting = RO)
Belinda to confirm cycling workshop - (RO)
Belinda and Spencer to meet with Cornerstore re: Farmers Market - Belinda has emailed. (RO)
Spencer to investigate WITS and report back (RO)
Louise to send out dates for re-group mtg re: Goals, directions and responsibilities - As Louise as stepped down from steering group, Kelda has agreed to ask Anne about possible Matariki/mid-winter celebration. Kelda will report back (RO) - Not suitable to have at Matariki celebration, need to roll over to next meeting.
Matariki celebration to be hosted by Food Group on Sun 27th June @ 12pm @ Anne's House. Steering group to RSVP and being something sweet. Kelda to send out invite.
2. Next public meeting (June) - Waste group's turn, Belinda to liaise with Waste group. Back up plan is to hold a public meeting based on Belinda and Marc's trip to UK focussing on renewable energies, with speakers from other overseas TT movements. - Spencer offered to take respnosibility to sort out.
3. July Tattler - Spencer to send something about WITS to Tattler.
4. Occasional later meeting to accomodate Mel off Food Group - Agreed to, Kelda to check with Mel to see which meeting works for her. - July meeting will be at 6.30pm to accommodate Mel.
5. Facebook group (RO) - Hina to send out link to wider brooklyn group.
6. Composting workshop - all organised and ready to go on June 20th!
7.Waste group report back - need to organise a meeting when Marc gets back from UK. Talked about No Junk Mail TT branded stickers for letterboxes but funding is an issue.
8.Frock Swap (For those interested) - Hiring of Hall - How long? (Currently booked from 12-9pm) Cost? (12.50 per room per hour) Comms plan, timeline, assigning responsibilities, recruiting volunteers, sending out email to last year's Frock Swappers(BS to draft?), etc - Hina to chase room booking, agreed to host Frock Swap 2010 at on Saturday at end of July/August had a general discussion around ideas, Belinda to draft email to go to past frock swappers, Hina to send out from ttbrooklyn email account. Once Belinda comes back from trip we need to organise a Frock Swap meeting. - Rescheduled to Saturday August 7th. Plan to have a meeting at beginning of July at Rosie's house, Hina to liaise with Rosie and communicate back to planning group. Discussed the possibility of having a tool swap for the blokes.
9. Connor talked to us about alternative energies and related issues. Happy to host a public meeting later in the year.
10.Discussed the idea for a having a sign as you enter brooklyn - 'You are entering Brooklyn - a junk mail free zone/bag free Brooklyn.
11. Idea - Stories from older generation of how thnigs were back in the day - interviews - website/facebook.
12. Issue with food group email list 'reply to all' - decided to go back to excel database.
13. National TT issue - need a new webmaster
ACTION POINTS (Note down action points as they occur during meeting)
For each action point please note who is responsible for its completion, by when and what resources/support is needed to do so.
(Plus action points above in italic)
1. See above
2. Belinda to check Barb is still alive, haven't heard from her in a while. (RO)
3. Kelda to send food group stuff to Belinda
Tentative agenda for next meeting: see rolled over (RO) items above
Date, location and time of next steering group meeting: Weds 14th July , Penthouse, 6pm
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