Old Homestead Community Garden Compost Update

Saturday's turnout at the garden was the best in a long while, and we achieved heaps. (2 in fact.) Nine adults plus children and a mulcher meant we now have a new compost pile, and the best of the compost from the "old" heap has been turned, covered, and is just maturing to perfection over the next few weeks.

Even better news is that we barely touched the storehouse of brown material, as the mulcher was engaged in chewing through a well-spotted and green-leaved Ficus tree. So we can do it all again! Yay! Our garden is going to be teeming with all this nutrition.

Next major compost-making is scheduled for Saturday 29 May at 3 pm. So if you'd like to join us in creating the largest lasagne you've ever imagined, see you at the Old Homestead then. Or come any Saturday at 3 pm, and see what we're up to, feeding ourselves with really local food.