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Public Transport

I just wanted to express how public transport in New Zealand is not nearly getting enough funds from the government. Why must we make it increasingly convenient for people who drive public cars to bring them into the city centre and clog our streets?
Here's another blog that partly shows lack of transit in NZ:
Even if we do make public transit available (which is virtually non-existant in most parts of the nation), people will not have much of an incentive to leave their cars at home. Even if buses do run a lot more frequently and are offered at a much cheaper price, why would people give up the great luxury of bringing their car into work?
What the state needs to do is to halt as much funding as possible to maintain the roads, and make it very inconveneint for people to drive cars. Possible options could be to increase the tax on petrol, or to have some kind of toll to bring a car into the city centre during the day.
This will do so much because not only will it clear up our streets in city centres thereby reducing traffic and making travel easier, but it will also be easier to fund public transit. It is time to make our largest cities into real cosmpolitan ones that provide public transit (especially for tourists). New Zealand is renowned for its serene views and environment, why should we take so much pride in driving American and Japanese cars that pollute our atomosphere?
We need to take action now, stop driving cars and ask the government to stop giving so much for roads and so little for buses and trains.
A few bike lanes woldn't hurt either. Just look at Amsterdam.
I hope you all feel the same, comment on my other blog on public transit:
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