heaps's blog

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Helping the environment by going Vegan

Although people don't always realise it, vegans have a large impact on the environment, in a positive way of course.


In fact, you can leave a much smaller carbon-footprint by going vegan as opposed to buying a hybrid vehicle. With rising global populations, the heavy increase of demand on livestock is on par with fossil fuel consumption. Especially in western countries where diets are rich in meat, the added carbon-emissions is tremendous. » Read more

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Food waste contributes to green-house gases

Wasting food has the obvious consequence of waste of money and waste of food. But what is less obvious is that it also contributes towards green house gas emissions. The production of food, especially in western countries, contributes to a significant amount of CO2 in the air.

Here is a blog post on waste of food/grocery shopping: http://blog.heaps.co.nz/how-to/budget-how-to/buying-in-bulk/

When people throw out between 20%-40% of their food (figures are typical of western countries) there is all that extra CO2 in the air that really does not need to be there. » Read more

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Public Transport

I just wanted to express how public transport in New Zealand is not nearly getting enough funds from the government. Why must we make it increasingly convenient for people who drive public cars to bring them into the city centre and clog our streets?

Here's another blog that partly shows lack of transit in NZ:

http://blog.heaps.co.nz/how-to/good-old-public-transport/ » Read more

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