Crash Course event


About 25 people came out to see the first of a three part Crash Course by Chris Martenson.

Posted from

The questions and discussion which followed

Our Discussion

We wrote questions on post it notes: I've grouped them together and created child pages where we can accumulate answers.

[edit]Money System

  • who owns the NZ Reserve Bank
  • what is the history of the NZ monetary system?
  • How does debt get resolved between countries?
  • do we need to review the process of the federal Bank creating money?
  • Usury or Interest - do these same principles of debt and banking apply in Moslem systems such as Indonesia is operating
  • inflation has not been added in yet (to the video) how does that fit?
  • who has the answers - which economists and researchers in NZ write about this?

See the Economy Page

[edit]What do we think will happen here

  • What will happen with Property?
  • is it better to have gold or property?
  • deflation or inflation - which will prevail?
  • Will there be hyper inflation or deflation?
  • how much longer do we have until our monetary system becomes unmanagable?
  • Growth & Expansion = What ?
  • What if this crisis is deliberate?

Discuss on the Predictions page

[edit]What are the best actions?

  • What can we do about it?
  • How should I position myself for best benefit?
  • How do we get away from bank money?
  • How to create a gold backed money supply
  • how can we maintain food and services supply in collapse of money?
  • How to maintain security in absence of money?
  • If all systems are crashing - money and property, doesn't it make sense to buy land now and prepare appropriate housing, power and food supplies?

Discuss on the Actions page.