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Looking at the challenges, square in the eye
My heart sang last night, to see members of my community look at the challenges of the future, square in the eye, and then with energy and creativity name some creative, and do-able solutions. Here's a six minute video I put together summarizing the evenings activities. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2WZHlCWQxY
It was the fourth week of a community led "Crash Course" based on Chris Martenson's video. The previous three weeks were focused around watching the material Chris has carefully and thoughtfully crafted, and which he offers for free on his website at www.chrismartenson.com
The four week event was the idea of Millie Watkins. She was ably supported by her partner Andrew, who has put the outcomes from the discussions, along with research on New Zealand economic conditions, on a Wiki at www.crashcourse.avowkind.net The 90 minute evening was a particular delight because of the way it was facilitated and the tools used in processing the information which came from the people present.
After brainstorming a list of Waiheke specific challenges, Andrew mapped them onto three time frames - short term (<2 years), medium (2-5 years) or long term (>5 years). Once this was done we broke into three tables to arrange these into the four quadrants created by the Vertical axis rising from Low impact to High impact, and the horizontal axis going from Low likelihood to High likelihood. Then each table fed back the summary of the High Impact, High Liklihood issues for the time frame they had looked at.
The next process was to brainstorm actions/responses. After a few minutes of rapid fire ideas being captured on Post-It notes, they were mapped onto a chart under one of the following:
- Simple, quick and cheap, we should do it now
- More time and money, but it plugs serious gaps
- Hard stuff
Then Millie summarized what we had gone through in the past four weeks, and what next. The concluding sentiments scroll up at the end of the video clip…
"We are all in this together"
"The next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20 years"
Note: I captured the video on a Google Android phone, edited in in iMovie on a Mac and uploaded it to Youtube. The process took about four hours - including learning how to use the iMovie software (it will be quicker next time :- )
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