Automatic Earth has released 80 min presentation

On the right is a banner where you can buy a password to view Nicole Stonleigh's presentation.  It costs $12.50 US ($16.30NZ) and for that you can view it unlimited times, but you can't download it.

You probably can, however, give your password to someone else.

I was fortunate enough to listen to an audio of Stonleigh giving her presentation to a TT event, and someone had the slides online so I could follow it.  They were subsequently taken down, and this is now the only way you can view the whole presentation.

I strongly recommend that at least one person in each region buys the password and hosts a viewing night.  This is so closely linked with the messages of the TT movement, but somehow Stoneleigh is able to create such a convincing arguement that carries with it such a sense of urgency that action is inevitable.