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Timebank Kaitaia Presentation Booklet


Above link to Timebanking Kaitaia Presentation Booklet. Feel free to move or revamp :)

This does not compute

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

The International Energy Agency has again warned that the high oil price could strangle hopes for a global economic recovery. It also says that 90% of future growth in oil production has to come from the Mid-East, mostly from Saudi Arabia. Without a $100 billion annual investment in that region, oil prices will exceed $150 a barrel. But Saudi Arabia has just announced it is halting its $100 billion oil expansion program? This does not compute. » Read more

Eleventh Australasian Permaculture Convergence 11-15th April 2012 in Turangi

Experienced practitioners, Inspiring speakers, Practical ideas,  Excellent networking, Whole systems and small details, Diverse participants, Cultural exchange, Transition examples, Hands-on workshops..... and more.

MIchael Ruppert in Portland, Oregon

Recently Mike Ruppert gave a major speech in Portland Oregon, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

In it he talks about the spiritual underpinnings of his Gaian viewpoint and advocates forgiveness of debt as a first step in the healing of the planet.

The speech is available here:

Questions and answers are here:

Ron Paul's Urgent Warning On The Inevitable Collapse Of The Dollar

I can recommend to everyone that they watch this address from Ron Paul (R, Texas) on the United States economy.


For me it just underlies the urgency of our endeavours.


Max Keiser: The Greek debt crisis, Peak Oil and possible outcomes

The evolving situation in Greece should be holding our attention - certainly more than we are getting in out media - as so much hangs on its outcome.

This week Michael Ruppert interviewed Max Keiser on the background to the debt crisis and how Peak-Oil and "Peak Credit" are interwoven.

I have written an article trying to encapsulate what they talked about as well as provide the most recent footage of the Greek demonstrations.

Available at;

2007-08 oil shock caused "substantial" decline in New Zealand's GDP say Reserve Bank economists

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

In a recent report, two New Zealand Reserve Bank economists have estimated the real effects of oil price shocks on New Zealand’s GDP. The economists conclude -- » Read more

Death by Debt - Chris Martenson

Chris Martenson has written an excellent, and very clear article on the whole debt problem and its relationship to resource depletion. Basically, he is saying "what can't be fixed, won't"

The first part of the article is available on my blog.

Peak Oil on National radion:Dr Fatih Birol of IEA interviewed on Radio NZ

Listening to Nine to Noon on National Radio this morning I could hardly believe my ears when I heard the words "Peak Oil".

Kathryn Ryan interviewed the chief economist for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Dr. Fatih Birol.
This available at

Interestingly this was followed immediately by a discussion with Australian correspondent Ray Moynihian on climate change and responses to it it Australia. » Read more

Michael C Ruppert interviewed on National radio

Chris Laidlaw has recorded an interview with MIchael C Ruppert on the Sunday programme.

This interview is being broadcast on National radio (101 FM) on Sunday, 22 May after the 10.00 news.

If you miss the interview it will be available as a podcast on » Read more

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