
'A Perfect Storm'?

There has been some debate in recent days between those of us that are trying to alert people to economic and social collapse (that is already in train).

For those who doubt and still willing to look at the evidence I would recommend the following areas:

1. US ‘debt ceiling” crisis
Talks between Obama and the Republicans have broken down acrimonniously; this means that some time between 2 and 10 August the USA will default on its 14 trillion dollar debt and will no longer be able to pay out pensions etc, the Chinese will be left holding dollars they don’t want etc. » Read more

Death by Debt - Chris Martenson

Chris Martenson has written an excellent, and very clear article on the whole debt problem and its relationship to resource depletion. Basically, he is saying "what can't be fixed, won't"

The first part of the article is available on my blog.

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