'A Perfect Storm'?

There has been some debate in recent days between those of us that are trying to alert people to economic and social collapse (that is already in train).

For those who doubt and still willing to look at the evidence I would recommend the following areas:

1. US ‘debt ceiling” crisis
Talks between Obama and the Republicans have broken down acrimonniously; this means that some time between 2 and 10 August the USA will default on its 14 trillion dollar debt and will no longer be able to pay out pensions etc, the Chinese will be left holding dollars they don’t want etc.


2. The European sovereign debt crisis
Greece has had a partial default, can never ever pay back its debts and the crisis is set to spread to Spain, Portugal and now Italy (which is too big to ‘bail out’). Speculators are taking out credit default swaps (bets) against sovereign nations


3. Japan
Already one of the most indebted countries, Japan since the earthquake and Fukushima has a terrible problem with radioactivity, has had to close down most of its nuclear plants, has severe electricty shortages and factories can only operate ‘part-time’. This has had repercussions throughout the world.


4. China
Even China, who we have always looked to has multiple problems such as internal debt, severe energy shortages, climate change related events, civil unrest. They are also the largest foreign holder of US debt.


5. Oil prices
Lest we forget about Peak Oil, the price of oil has increased to $118 a barrel on the back of the above problems.


I am keeping a daily watch on this on my blog

Twenty years to disaster

We have been active in Island Bay trying to increase awareness of the growing storm, forced by overpopulation, species extinction, resource shortages (oil!), climate change, economic collapse, then disruption and war. There is information and connections at the Island Bay World Service website, www.ibws.blogspot.com. I am almost finished rewriting our giveaway leaflet (that we can provide free for distributoin, contact johnrob@paradise.net.nz) and hope to put it online once my colleagues have had a look at the current draft.

This is surely the major scientific – and indeed existential – question of our time. That issue is far more serious and much more important than any of the past. The question is not philosophical or religious – it is one of survival. It is also largely ignored.

Good on you, John Robinson

Twenty years to disaster

Sorry I hit the button twice. We look for further debate here. John

yip its a bloody mess alright. where there's life there's hope

So many challenges to overcome. Notice its all to do about money. When it does all collapse be ready to get along with others. Be ready to help each other way more, be ready to look over your shoulder more, cause there are plenty of people out there wanting what you have and we do have it all. I have always been of the opinion that if the american army were stretches so thin and couldn't fight everyones battles thats the day we will be in big trouble from other countries of the world.
We can support our selves better yes better and if we want that to last, we must embrace learning and action to our real needs, educating others around the world to be sustainable also. If not they will want what we have.

There are places for many industries and life styles, depending on particular cultures. But what we can be very sure on is that industrial hemp is going to play a major role in the recovery of our environment and the health and well being of life as we know and love it.

Its not rocket science