
MIchael Ruppert in Portland, Oregon

Recently Mike Ruppert gave a major speech in Portland Oregon, on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

In it he talks about the spiritual underpinnings of his Gaian viewpoint and advocates forgiveness of debt as a first step in the healing of the planet.

The speech is available here:

Questions and answers are here:

Daryl's picture

Brilliant article by Dmitry Orlov.

This is a HUGE presentation by Dmitry. A recomended read as a brilliant overview of current and emerging world situation with a fearles and embacing view of the coming challenges.

Dmitry Orlov's Presentation: Definancialisation, Deglobalisation, Relocalisation

  » Read more

Rimu's picture

Living now, naturally and sustainably via relocalizing

by Dave Ewoldt

“It is not a sign of good health to be well-adjusted to a sick society.” -- J. Krishnamurti

Answering the question of how to live our lives right now, in the face of global crises that cause stress and depression in all those not living in outright denial, is the new global imperative. But to deal with this question we must come to terms with what has caused it to be asked in the first place if we truly desire to formulate an effective and satisfying answer.

Many thinkers in the physical and biological sciences are starting to agree with environmental and social justice activists who point out with increasing frequency that the root of our systemic global and personal crises lies in our disconnection from the natural world, and in the culture that creates. This culture is entirely dependent upon unhealthy, exploitive relationships based on this disconnection. » Read more

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