economic impact.peak oil

(Un) economic Peak Oil what really matters

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe » Read more

2007-08 oil shock caused "substantial" decline in New Zealand's GDP say Reserve Bank economists

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

In a recent report, two New Zealand Reserve Bank economists have estimated the real effects of oil price shocks on New Zealand’s GDP. The economists conclude -- » Read more

IMF Warns of Oil Scarcity and the End of Growth

Re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

What is going on? The International Monetary Fund -- a body that states its mission is to "foster global growth and economic stability" has produced a major report which concludes the world has entered an era of oil scarcity, and openly discusses a peak oil scenario in which global GDP doesn't grow, but declines steeply ! » Read more

Peak Oil For Saudi Arabia confirmed by WikiLeaks

Projections by peak oil people that Saudi Arabia oil reserves have been grossly overstated (by 40%) and that the country can no longer prevent world oil prices rising have been confirmed in confidential cables from the US Consulate, released by WikiLeaks » Read more

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