oil scarcity

Officials Muzzled on Peak Oil?

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

The government has finally released its Energy Strategy. There are cosmetic changes from the Draft version but it's no surprise that the final Strategy continues to completely ignore the threat of peak oil.  There were many submissions, including my own, which detailed the raft of recent reports from oil and energy experts, think tanks and government institutions which are all pointing to an imminent supply and oil price crunch. And in 2009 government officials themselves gave strong warnings to Ministers. So since 2009, have the officials been muzzled? » Read more

New Zealand at greater risk from oil shocks -- official advice ignored

Re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

In November 2009 senior officials warned the government -- » Read more

IMF Warns of Oil Scarcity and the End of Growth

Re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

What is going on? The International Monetary Fund -- a body that states its mission is to "foster global growth and economic stability" has produced a major report which concludes the world has entered an era of oil scarcity, and openly discusses a peak oil scenario in which global GDP doesn't grow, but declines steeply ! » Read more

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