oil shock

Oil Shock Horror blog -- the story thus far

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

9 months after a tentative start last September, and with 45 posts clocked up here at Oil Shock Horror Probe, I thought it was time to re-cap. What are the trends and themes that have emerged so far?

It's the economy stupid

Higher oil prices are already negatively impacting our economy » Read more

2007-08 oil shock caused "substantial" decline in New Zealand's GDP say Reserve Bank economists

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

In a recent report, two New Zealand Reserve Bank economists have estimated the real effects of oil price shocks on New Zealand’s GDP. The economists conclude -- » Read more

UK Ignores Peak Oil Warnings - NZ Pretends It's Not An Issue

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

It has long been suspected that Western governments have been investigating peak oil and its impacts on the economy, but keeping the information hidden from the public. In the case of the UK government we now have definitive proof that this has been happening. The Guardian has reported (15 June) that UK ministers have ignored peak oil warnings. » Read more

UK Government to Develop Oil Shock Response Plan. - When Will NZ ?

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne has agreed to develop an 'Oil Shock Response Plan', following a meeting with the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security (ITPOES). » Read more

Ideology Trumps Common Sense

It's said a picture is worth a thousand words. Take a look at these graphs and see if you can make any sense of the government's response to oil prices rising and it's transport policy. Damned if I can. (hat tip to Auckland Transport blog and frog blog)

Traffic volumes on State Highways have not increased since 2005. » Read more

Do Saudis have spare capacity? And why your standard of living hinges on it.

The conventional response to a supply disruption like from Libya is -- no worries, the Saudis have heaps of oil and can immediately pump more to take up the slack. But do they? And what happens to oil prices if they can't?

Many astute oil experts have grave doubts about the Saudis much vaunted spare capacity. This is vital because Saudi Arabia is the world's largest producer, and up till now has been able to influence the world price by opening the oil taps. » Read more

Joining the dots ... finally

Suddenly the world's media is awash with concern that the recent rise in oil prices will stall economic growth worldwide and cause another global recession. Guardian and here BBC Wall Street Journal

Finally, even in New Zealand, Brian Fallow economic commentator for the New Zealand Herald expresses concern about the implications for the New Zealand economy from rapidly rising oil prices.

It has taken the uprising in Libya to finally focus the mind of commentators on the dire effects on the world economy of oil prices. But most of this analysis fails to acknowledge that prices were already rising rapidly well before the uprising is in the Middle East due to accelerating demand in developing nations, as well as in oil producing countries. And that the Libyan crisis and the speculation that has followed is a “fear premium” on the price -- which was already rapidly rising due to fundamentals of supply and demand.

» Read more

10 Reasons Why Converting Lignite Coal to Diesel is Insane

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) has released a report "Lignite and climate change: The high cost of low grade coal" The PCE report also covers using lignite to make urea and briquettes, but this post will focus on the insanity of plans by Solid Energy and L & M Group to convert Southland lignite to diesel

1. The taxpayer subsidy for one lignite-to-diesel plant would be likely to be billions of dollars over its lifetime, (and 1 billion dollars annually by 2020) » Read more

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