
New Zealand's oil security. How dependent are we on oil imports?

re-posted from my blog oilshockhorrorprobe

New Zealand imports 97% of its oil. Oil is the lifeblood of our economy. So a vital question must be -- how vulnerable is New Zealand to oil supply shocks? -- Whether from short term disruption, or due to an on-going and perhaps permanent decline in world oil exports? » Read more

10 Reasons Why Converting Lignite Coal to Diesel is Insane

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE) has released a report "Lignite and climate change: The high cost of low grade coal" The PCE report also covers using lignite to make urea and briquettes, but this post will focus on the insanity of plans by Solid Energy and L & M Group to convert Southland lignite to diesel

1. The taxpayer subsidy for one lignite-to-diesel plant would be likely to be billions of dollars over its lifetime, (and 1 billion dollars annually by 2020) » Read more

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