oil exports

Christchurch quake cost added to our yearly oil import bill?

re-posted from by blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

By 2015 New Zealand could face an extra $10 billion cost each year to import oil, compared to 2011 prices. That's more than the cost to government of the Christchurch earthquake each and every year! By 2020 the oil import cost each year could soar to $19 billion more than the present cost. That's the bill for two Christchurch earthquakes every year.

How come?

1. Domestic oil production is plummeting » Read more

New Zealand's oil security. How dependent are we on oil imports?

re-posted from my blog oilshockhorrorprobe

New Zealand imports 97% of its oil. Oil is the lifeblood of our economy. So a vital question must be -- how vulnerable is New Zealand to oil supply shocks? -- Whether from short term disruption, or due to an on-going and perhaps permanent decline in world oil exports? » Read more

Government's Energy Strategy - Grade F for Fail

The government has mistakenly released its Draft Energy Strategy, which is still to be signed off by Cabinet. Despite hundreds of public submissions it remains almost word for word identical with the version published in July 2010. » Read more

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