imported oil

Election 2011 Two-facedness - Saving money good - saving fuel bad

All of the political parties agree New Zealand needs a long-term savings and investment plan . These elections there have been major policy announcements on Kiwisaver, reducing debt and the age of eligibility for National Superannuation. Saving money good. » Read more

Christchurch quake cost added to our yearly oil import bill?

re-posted from by blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

By 2015 New Zealand could face an extra $10 billion cost each year to import oil, compared to 2011 prices. That's more than the cost to government of the Christchurch earthquake each and every year! By 2020 the oil import cost each year could soar to $19 billion more than the present cost. That's the bill for two Christchurch earthquakes every year.

How come?

1. Domestic oil production is plummeting » Read more

Oil Shock Horror blog -- the story thus far

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

9 months after a tentative start last September, and with 45 posts clocked up here at Oil Shock Horror Probe, I thought it was time to re-cap. What are the trends and themes that have emerged so far?

It's the economy stupid

Higher oil prices are already negatively impacting our economy » Read more

UK Ignores Peak Oil Warnings - NZ Pretends It's Not An Issue

re-posted from my blog - oilshockhorrorprobe

It has long been suspected that Western governments have been investigating peak oil and its impacts on the economy, but keeping the information hidden from the public. In the case of the UK government we now have definitive proof that this has been happening. The Guardian has reported (15 June) that UK ministers have ignored peak oil warnings. » Read more

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