Recent web site outages have been resolved

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Joined: 17 May 2008
Recent web site outages have been resolved

For much of December 2010 the web server was a bit unhealthy - every few days it would fall over, leaving all web sites on it unavailable. There were similar symptoms showing with the email lists, where they would stop working randomly.

It looks like I found the root cause of this problem and pulled it out. So I expect things will be a lot more stable from now on.

James Samuel
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Nice to hear you found the gremlin

And kicked his/her hairy little backside out of where s/he didn't belong!

And while I'm at it - let me offer a huge big thank you for keeping this, oh so valuable website, up and running for the last two and a half years!

Big ups to you!


Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
the web that holds tight

Likewise, I want to add my vote to the value of the website and the tools it offers. Understandable it suffered in December - everything seemed to go haywire then! But the TT website is the quiet unsung hero of TT in NZ, as all the idiosyncratic, independent and innovative TT initiatives have one place to see each other, one central location to host discussion and a generally very reliable tool for logging activity. Many many thanks for maintaining this for the benefit of all.

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