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Keep The Coal In The Hole: Why Southland Lignite Shouldn't Be Mined

Keep The Coal In The Hole: Why Southland Lignite Shouldn't Be Mined
Coal Action Network Aotearoa Public Meeting
When: Wednesday 20 April
Where: Archway 3 Lecture Theatre, Otago Uni Campus, Crnr Union St East and Leith Walk, Dunedin
Time: 6.30-9.30pm
Speaker: Jeanette Fitzsimons, climate change campaigner, former co-leader of the Green Party
Why Come Along?
As energy prices rise and oil becomes scarce there is a rush to expand the coal industry and mine billions of tonnes of Southland lignite - the lowest quality, dirtiest coal there is.
Solid Energy have applied for resource consent for the first phase of its plans to exploit this lignite. If they are allowed to go ahead, this will dramatically raise New Zealand's carbon emissions and cause other major environmental and social consequences.
Coal Action Network Aotearoa (CANA) presents Jeanette Fitzsimons, long-time climate change campaigner and former co-leader of the Green Party, on what is planned, what a disaster that would be for the climate, what is already happening in Southand, why lignite should stay in the ground, and what we could do about it.
The Coal Action Network Aotearoa
The Coal Action Network Aotearoa (CANA) is a network of climate campaigners committed to fighting the continuation of coal mining in Aotearoa New Zealand.
CANA's objectives are to:
1. Phase out coal mining and coal usage within 20 years, initially by opposing new and expanded coal mines.
2. Promote a cultural change so that mining and using coal are unacceptable.
3. Work towards a society where people and the environment are not exploited for profit.
4. Be part of a just transition to a coal-free Aotearoa New Zealand.
To get involved, please email coalactionnetwork@gmail.com and ask to be put on our mailing list
Coal Action Network Aotearoa blog: http://coalactionnetworkaotearoa.wordpress.com/
Location / Venue:
Archway 3 Lecture Theatre, Otago Uni Campus, Crnr Union St East and Leith Walk, Dunedin
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