Organic meat co-op in Whanganui (looking for members and suppliers)

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Rachel Rose
Joined: 6 Jul 2011
Organic meat co-op in Whanganui (looking for members and suppliers)

Are you interested in forming/joining a local co-op (in the Whanganui area) to buy organic meat?

Please email if you're interested in being involved. And please get in touch if you can suggest possible suppliers. At least at this stage, meat doesn't necessarily have to be _certified_ organic as long as organic methods are being used and the farmers are happy to tell us about the inputs and methods they use. Small amounts or irregular supply is ok too, but the meat needs to be legally available for sale, ie not home kill or hunted. The more local the better.

I already know of one excellent farm in Taranaki (Avonstour) that runs heritage breed organic livestock. It's supplying the co-op in Kapiti and I think we could get something going quite quickly here in Whanganui along similar lines.

Please pass this message onto others whom you think might be interested in buying or supplying.

And if you have any advice about running a co-op like this, it's most welcome!





Delhi Villager
Delhi Villager's picture
Joined: 16 Aug 2011
Whanganui meat co-op

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for the post and for starting the conversation on this important initiative!

My wife has been a vegetarian for a long time and professes it is due to the poor treatment of animals, and therefore willing to eat meat if she knows it's had a good life - theoretically!

Anyway i became vegetarian a few years ago by proxy really and as a commitment to her. I have since not looked back and find no evidence as to why humans should feel we can dominate the animal kingdom the way we do with very little respect for the beautiful creatures we are co-existing with.

I struggle to find organic meat or commercial meat of any kind that states where exactly it comes from and how it has been treated. I do however miss certain meats and feel my body needs it occasionally. I am stoked to hear about this initiative and will support it any way i can.

I will send you an email with my details.


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