For a No-Oil, Climate Stable Future, we must build 100% sustainable Linear Cities, where everyone can walk from home into open fields to grow food without petroleum! Built at right angles to prevailing winds in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres, 3 - 5 stories high topped by wind turbines, they are serviced by high, medium and low-speed rail, which uses only 1/3 of the energy/passenger mile that cars and aircraft use and can easily be directly powered by wind turbines. These Linear Cities will supply food to existing cities without oil-derived fuels, fertilizers and pesticides, and provide energy, transportation and jobs without petroleum. Their shared walls also conserve heat very efficiently!
The US has only 4.2% of global populations, and 2% of the world’s oil reserves, but consumes 22% of its annual supply, unsustainably, driving global economies into the dead end of eventual, and potentially catastrophic, economic depression and population reduction.
The concrete used will be the magnesium silicate-based "green" cement being developed by Nikolaos Vlasopoulos, chief scientist at London-based startup Novacem.
There are also many open-source designs for transportation systems to replace automobiles that will burn many fuels and be safer in accidents, and that can cross oceans using the wind alone, rather than the fossil-fuel powered vessels that currently depend upon carbon fuels on the website below.
The last 2012 years back to the Year Zero are only 20 times the 5 generations, grandparents to grand children, of 20 years each that we will meet in our own families. What will the components of our genes, that have combined and recombined with each new generation, do in the Years 4000 and 1,000,000 if we are to run out of petroleum in the next 20 - 60 years? We are already fighting over the world's greatest remaining reserves of sweet crude in Iraq and, shortly, in Iran. What future can the components of our genes, in the form of our children and great great great ...great grandchildren look forward to without fossil fuels, and with climates that have been ruined by BURNING them?!
Please view the designs that correspond to these conditions at
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