We are going overseas March to November this year. We would like to find someone who would enjoy providing a home for our four lovely hens. Three of these hens - a Light Sussex, a White Leghorn and a Red Shaver - are not yet a year old and are in peak egg production. The fourth - a Lavender Frizzle - is a few years older, and adopted them as day-old chicks. She raised them very attentively along with several other brothers and sisters. However, she is also still a reasonable layer during the spring months.
Our hens tend our large vegetable garden, where we rotate them around ten different garden beds. In addition to the veges, weeds, bug and soil life that they forage, we feed them the food scraps from two households, and sprouted organic NZ-grown barley and wheat. So they are pretty healthy and happy.
Most people with chickens don't really want or need four more for a few months, so we wondered if there was someone who is intending to start having chickens. With our hens, you'll have eggs from the start, and if one goes broody, you could try starting your own flock by putting fertilised eggs of your choice under her.
We would be happiest if the environment they move to is either a free-range garden or an intensively gardened vegetable garden where they can rotate around the beds. We're in Pt Chevalier, Auckland, and it would be easiest for all if the garden they go to is not too far away. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks, Heidi
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