GETT meeting Minutes for June 2013

Glen Eden Transition Town Meeting Minutes 17.6.13


Davian, Tristan, Ana, Chris, Jenny Tanner, Lucy, Helen F, Jocelyn, Bev, Kirsten, Alanah, Pam, Tony

Apologies from: Sarah J, Jo F, Willow, Karen, Caroline, Neil H, Brenda Skinner.


Chair: Davian, Minutes: Tony


Working Group Updates:


Food Production Group.

Sarah, Helen F, Patrick, Helen, Bev.

Group met at Sarah J’s house Tuesday 18. Minutes sent out Monday 24th.


Environmental Restoration Group:

Noel, Tristan, Alanah and others.

No ‘turn up for the kai and do the work later’ attitude here.  Currently at work in Savoy Road area. Planting and weeding going on.  Stream monitoring is also on the agenda.

Mulching the edge of cycle way planned for next time.

Next working bee Sunday July 21 1-3 pm


Waste Reduction Group:

Currently in pause mode.

Inspiring korero from Lucy about reducing plastic bag use a la Mount Eden Village People. Check out the Golden Bay Bag Ladies


Lucy might put together a plan to approach retailers in GE about reducing plastic bags.

Perhaps reignite the Bags Not campaign kicked off by Bob and WCC a few years back?

The wine shop in Titirangi use biodegradable plastic that is cheaper than the hard stuff! [Tested by an employee Tony spoke to and she reckons they compost].


GETT team visit to Local Board Urban Implementation Plan Submission Meeting:

Links and attachments are on the TT website.

Caroline, Patrick, Helen, Alanah, Davian went along to the local board meeting. Definite polarity between business interests and community vision for the area around the GE town centre.

Positives from a challenging meeting included contact with the local business community and going some way towards their awareness of what local community wants to see [e.g. Cycle way to the town centre as opposed to more car parks].


A local board member wants continual input from community, GGE and GETT and asked for a GETT rep on the community focus group for ongoing planning. Sharing the role among GETT members would be good. 2 members from GETT for each meeting proposed.



Local Food:


Continuing interest from locals who want to have community gardens/orchards. A platform for getting the initiative going would be beneficial. The ‘Hand over a hundy’ scheme on Waiheke for example.

Bring The Eden Back to GE by highlighting growing local food in our ‘hoods.




Rochelle from GGE is hopeful to be able to facilitate a local food hui. Invite Rochelle along to the next GETT meeting.


Since this meeting Tony has been invited to a Council meeting on a framework for community gardens and orchards.


Feedback from Community for PTS GE:


Pam asked for feedback for the group for/about PTSGE and our role and work in the local community. How can PTS support our community, do you think we are doing ok, what suggestions do you have for us, how can PTS support the community better?


Feedback included:

·         PTS does a fantastic job. Approachable, friendly. Connected with many parts of the community.

·         What you do is great. I see you out there in the community all the time.

·         Cycle ways are so well used in the community and have been very positive. More educational signage and info on the cycle ways would be good.

·         Would like up to date maps of the cycle ways.

·         It took 12 months for someone to find LPCO online. Has since changed with 278k results coming up.


From this exert of the meeting, Patrick brought to the table his wish to show the ‘Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream’ Symposium. After discussion it was decided PD would show an excerpt of the DVD at the next meeting.


Communication Systems:


Transition Town Website.

Jo F set this up for GETT to set up posts [e.g. meeting minutes]. Once registered to the site a GETT member will receive a post once it has been posted.  Davian showed those interested how to register after the meeting.

Please register to the TT GE web page.



GETT Facebook going well. Good way to connect with and attract new people and interest. Good outreach. Good way to show the work we are doing. Works for some but not all. Put TT website link on FB site.


Meeting adjourned 9pm


Next meeting is Tuesday July 23 7-9pm at Lucy’s house 1a Karapiti Place, off Philip Ave. Bring some yummy kai or drink.

Chair: Patrick

Minutes: Davian

