Solar Powered City

“A Possible Alternative for Powering Auckland”

Can you imagine the Hibiscus Coast powered by Solar Panels and Electric Cars?

Nirmal Nair (PhD.), a senior lecturer at Auckland University, has been researching the potential for Auckland to become a solar powered city.  He will describe for us the what a future with smart-grid technology on the Hibiscus Coast might look like and how that might be for individual residents - with electric cars and PV covered roofs. He will also discuss the pathway to get there from where we are now including the steps someone can take to begin.

Here are links to a double shot interview that Nirmal did -

and a radio New Zealand National interview -

Location / Venue: 
December 5th, 7pm, Whangaparaoa Community Hall, Downstairs Art Room

Exciting Vision :-)

Kia ora everyone

I wasn't able to make it to this talk by Nirmal Nair but would love to hear from anyone who was. Very inspiring! It is such an exciting vision and one that I can see becoming a reality in the not so too distant future. We ARE as a sustainable humanity moving forward in leaps and bounds despite the "mess" ;-)