Wellington hub meeting

Rimu's picture

Ideally this meeting will have one or two representatives from each TT group in the Wellington region. It doesn't need to be the same people as last time, but it would be best if it was.

VENUE: WCC Meeting Room #2 in the Wellington City Council building, entrance off Wakefield St. (note, no food, dinner afterwards?)

Runs from 5.30 to 7.30pm

5.30pm, refine the questions below to Malcolm

6pm-7pm: PRESENTER

Malcolm Aitken
Communications Manager
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation (+ helped with the media for Downtown Eco-Therapy)

will share his experiences and a presentation on some best practice approaches on media preparation


Following the article in the DOMPOST greenzone and as a group debrief from that publication experience, we have identified;

that there will be more national and local interest in the Transition Towns (TT) initiative

we need to upskill ourselves as individuals in our regional groups and as a TT central group with

  • developing a media strategy for TT events
  • identifying a media pathway for TT news locally and regionally
  • developing a press release master and learning strategies for release
  • training spokespeople

PLEASE RSVP to barb.gibb@clear.net.nz