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James Samuel
Joined: 27 Jun 2008

The interim purpose of this forum is:

To help us get the most out of media enquiries and opportunities.

We heartily invite people to post their questions on this subject!

Andy Kenworthy will offer some templates and guidelines from his own experience here soon, including templates for press releases

From Andy.

First I guess I should let everyone know who I am and what my credentials are to help out with this. I've attached my current CV, so to begin with if there's anything there people want to know more about, let me know.

But what sort of things am I offering? Here's some initial thoughts. (please feel free to request more, I will add more soon toon.)


Stop and think discussion

  • When is media coverage necessary or desirable?
  • Outcomes – what do you want it to do?

Writing fundamentals

  • Sentence length and construction
  • Paragraph use
  • Structure
  • Considering your audience
  • Consider your purpose

How to get media coverage

  • An introduction to media strategy
  • Designing your event and timing it for maximum impact
  • Who to tell, what to tell them, and when
  • What you can do yourself and send out

Writing a press release

  • Templates


cv_Andy_Kenworthy.pdf167.2 KB
Rimu's picture
Joined: 17 May 2008
This stuff couldn't come soon

This stuff couldn't come soon enough, for me. I'm doing a radio interview soon, and a local newspaper has just contacted me. And I have no idea what happens next...

xxancroft's picture
Joined: 5 Jul 2008

Below is a text I issued last week to a local paper.  Feel free to pilfer if it will save somebody reinventing the wheel.

BUT make sure you tailor the bottom section to suit your region.

- Paul



Anybody studying future trends knows that of the many global spectres one can think about three are highly predictable - Climate Change, Peak Oil and Recession.  In fact there is evidence of all three occurring simultaneously and continuing long into the foreseeable future.  When one ponders the likely impacts of these it is natural to ask, what to do?  With the recent unprecedented rises in petrol prices ordinary people are now asking such questions.  Those who have been examining this and looking for real-world practical solutions have developed a consensus about the kinds of things that are likely to work best when the favourable conditions of climate, energy and finance that we have enjoyed start to deteriorate.  One approach which is finding wide support across the world are ideas grouped under the banner of “relocalisation”.  This means intentionally retracting from a high energy lifestyle and opting to live more closely with local communities. In practice this means supporting local business over bulk retail chain stores, eating food that is seasonal and local instead of imported from distant nations, and attempting to reduce ones dependence upon fossil fuel based systems and infrastructure that will be increasingly expensive to maintain and operate. 

One rapidly growing network is the Transition Town movement.  Rob Hopkins lecturer in Permaculture studies initiated a student project in Kinsale, Ireland (2004) to study how the energy needs of Kinsale (pop 2,000) could be reduced.  The resulting report titled “Kinsale, 2021 – An Energy Descent Action Plan” captured the imagination of many and led to the subsequent establishment of the first Transition Town (2006) in Totnes, Devon (pop. 5,000).  The transition movement has since gone viral with 700+ Transition Initiatives springing up around the world.  In New Zealand five transition initiatives have become formally established in Waiheke Island, Orewa, Kapiti, Opotiki Coast and Motueka.  Closer to home fledgling groups have started in Wanganui, Feilding, Palmerston North, Otaki and Marton.  These groups are at varying stages of development however they are gathering momentum because there is obvious interest in the communities and a realisation that the time to prepare for the coming energy shocks is limited.  

One of the least understood issues is that of “peak oil” or the peaking of the world oil supply.  Because oil is a finite resource there are limits to the amount that can be extracted, transported, refined and utilised in the thousands of ways that a modern society has become used to.  The advent of peak oil however is more serious than just higher transportation costs.  This is because the use of oil over the past 100 years has revolutionised everything from agriculture to the way zoological gardens are run.  Until now the flow of this precious resource has kept up with demand because there was so much of it.  But we have now come to the point where the demand is exceeding the supply and the supply is starting to fall away.  As the flow of oil into consumer nations such as NZ reduces, our busy society is first going to feel light headed, then it is going to need a rest.  When we take this problem to the doctor a complete change of lifestyle will be the only prescription available and this will affect many aspects of our daily lives.  However, if we plan for a reduced energy lifestyle and make some prudent changes we are likely to be better off in the long run.  Whilst peak oil is the primary motivation behind Transition Towns, the directions advocated also overlap with responses to climate change and recession.  This integration of thinking has lent great credibility to the Transition Movement.

Transition Town xxxxxx meets fortnightly at the _____________ on alternate ________evenings at 7:30pm.  At present there is an average turn-out of between ___________ persons from a diverse background. The main interests of the people involved are to do with growing food, alternative energy systems, understanding peak oil, economising and alternative home products.  Transition Initiatives are non-party political however in an election year may provide a timely framework for comparing policies.

Those interested to find out more via internet link or by contacting xxxxxxx tel: xxxxxxxx, email: xxxxxxx


Deirdre's picture
Joined: 28 Jun 2008
Paul can you follow this up by telling us if it was printed?

Where was this meant to go in the local rag? And did it get printed? It doesn't actually fit with the format of a media statement. It is too abstract. Media statements need to say what happened, who did what etc. It gives news.  I will post one which did get carried. Rather than put out such a statement and waste effort, we waited till we had something to say about what happened, and added other news into it and the odd opinion. Hopefully we got the information into i. as much as the local rag was likely to cover. We also sent a photo and it was published. I don't think they are likely to carry your story and would be interested to know what happened. Did you get a phone call? Go and see the chief reporter and get him or her to coach you too.


So here is what we sent


Otaki Edible Garden Tour proves popular

About thirty people attended the Otaki Transition Towns first Edible Garden Tour last Sunday, visiting three gardens in the township.

Organisers believe it was a combination of rising food prices, good soil and a wonderful spring day that brought people out to learn how these Otaki gardeners are growing food in their backyards.

A spokesperson Deirdre Kent said the Transition Town group had only expected a few but were surprised to find people had come from far and wide.

Starting in March this year they had already run four film evenings and one discussion evening on peak oil and climate change.

The group aims to be a catalyst in transitioning from oil dependence to local resilience. They believe the peak of world oil supply is happening now and that life is going to be very different after the peak.

According to the group's most popular film, The Power of Community, when Cuba found their oil supply dramatically reduced after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 the food supply dropped dramatically, since fossil fuels are the basis of fertilisers and pesticides used in conventional agriculture. Cubans went hungry and in three to four years lost an average of 20 pounds in weight

The gardens visited included those of Christabel  Jackson and John Brown, Nick Mercer and Ness Simons and Anthony Solomonson and Elisa Mynen.  Ms Kent said after seeing the turnout for this tour they will certainly run more of them because the time is right to develop a strong network of people helping each other grow food organically at home.

(Photo caption

Christabel Jackson in striped jersey explains how she produced luxurious crops of veges in raised beds in her Rangiuru Road backyard.)

For further comment phone Deirdre Kent
06 364 7779 or 021 728 852


The journalist changed the 20 pounds to 10 kilos but little else changed.


Hope this is helpful.

James Samuel
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Helpful Media Tips

Thanks Deirdre and Paul,

By your posting your articles (press releases) and seeing which got published, it helps identify the quality of media releases which are likely to find favour with the press. Hopefully Andy will drop by to highlight the differences more specifically.

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