TTKapiti - Food Garden Groups Meeting, with Merran Plunket.

This is a meeting on setting up food garden groups in the Kapiti region. If you need help setting up and maintaining a garden or you have something you think you can offer, you should come along. Everyone who is interested in home food gardening is invited to attend.


When: Sunday 17th August 2pm

Where: Kapiti Community Centre

15 Ngahina st, Paraparaumu

Location / Venue: 
Kapiti Community Centre, 15 Ngahina st, Paraparaumu

My Garden - Veggie trader, nz gardening web site

I've just started a new web site here in NZ for veggie gardeners.


There is loads of info and you can swap your home grown produce on the site easily with your neighbours. It's free and fun to use!


Also, you can win a $2000 gardening prize.


Any feedback is welcome!




Carlin Archer