"Garbage Warrior" - Transition Ranui-Swanson

Shot over three years in the USA, England, India and New Mexico, Garbage Warrior is a feature- length documentary film telling the epic story of maverick architect Michael Reynolds, his crew of renegade house builders fron New Mexico, and their fight to introduce radically different ways of living. A snapshot of contemporary geo-politics and an inspirational tale of triumph over buereaucracy, Garbage Warrior is above all an intimate portrait of an extraordinary individual and his dream of changing the world!

This film screening is part of the "Beyond the Peak" series from Transition Ranui-Swanson.

Entry by koha. Please park on the roadside.

For more details, contact transition.ranui.swanson@gmail.com

Location / Venue: 
Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood Common House, 457 Swanson Rd Ranui

Garbage Warrior

HI. Film sounds great! Where did you get it from? 

Would be interested in showing that here for Transition Whitianga



Jeanette Ida
