Notes from last meeting and draft event calendars for next 6 months

We had a meeting last Wednesday and we had a brainstorm about moving things forward.  We felt that we needed to have a forward plan ahead of meetings, screenings and some other motivating ideas, such as the solar cooking Johanna is currently organising.  Based on those ideas, I have put together a draft calendar for the next few months so we can look ahead a few months at a time.  This is a draft and most of the items are to be confirmed and only goes through to March, bearing in mind that many people will be away over the Christmas period.  Feel free to comment/add/volunteer etc! Our brainstorm of activities in addition to films and meetings, especially during spring as many activities are season dependant, included the following ideas:
  • composting workshop
  • seed raising and seed saving
  • working bees and learning about shelterbelts and raised beds
  • making seaweed tea for fertiliser
  • preserving skills
  • rainwater collection ideas
  • craft skills- knitting, flax weaving etc
  • field trip to SImply Good Food in Wairarapa next open day for members
  • basic permaculture presentation/workshop
  • bike maintenance
  • confident cycling in Wellington
  • monitoring of Wgtn City Council and Greater Wellington consulation (Erika volunteered to monitor on behalf of SWTT)
  • fruit tree planting in public space
We also wanted to find out more about the St Ann's school market in Newtown as this could be a good place for a WSTT stall, swapping etc.  Does anyone know any details of when this market might commence, contact persons etc? We also thought it would soon be timely for the WSTT group to start thinking about what our local energy decent plan might start to look like for the area so that we are working toward developing it. Charlotte
Rimu's picture

For futher info about the

For futher info about the newtown market, contact Anne Marie  Mccarten  using