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James Samuel
Food Forest Webinar – Nr.1 – Introduction
Submitted by James Samuel on 6 July 2013 - 11:03pm | Blog entryFrom a simple impulse to connect a few people in a conversation, and share some stories of progress in the food forest space in Aotearoa (New Zealand), this webinar idea gained traction rather faster than I expected.
The inaugural Food Forest webinar – from Aotearoa
When I made a post on Facebook page to say there were 35 people signed up for the Webinar, it was at about 7 days to go. To date, there have been 75 people, from all up and down the country who have signed up. Not bad for two weeks lead time.
Even John Valenzuela registered to attend. John is the horticulturist, consultant and educator from Marin County California, best known for his work with rare fruit, home gardening, trees, traditional agriculture, plant propagation, and ethnobotany – I’m hoping we can get him back to present one day. By the time it arrived I had sent notifications to 70 people.
On the day, 43 attendees logged in and saw and heard the presentations from Finn MacKesy, Jon Foote and myself (or parts of them). There were some technical issues, for example some people couldn’t get in if they arrived late. I found out that I had overlooked the limit of attendees for the subscription level I had paid for (more on that later). My apologies. But overall it went quite well - as you'll see from the recording.
A week in the life
Submitted by James Samuel on 21 July 2008 - 6:20am | updated 18 Oct 2008 | StoryI have been serving the Transition Towns community Aotearoa since October 2007. It has been an amazing time and I feel honoured and privelaged to have been able to be part of the evolution of this extraordinary community-led response to the issues facing us as a nation and a world.
I thought it would be useful to record a typical week, so that I could see just how much time I'm spending on Transition Towns work, and what it is I'm doing. This was a fairly average week (and it totalled 61hrs!) and is a good reflection of how it has been for the last several months. » Read more

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