
"Everyone should have one of these"

Segment from Geoff Lawton's new DVD on Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture Way.
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The problem is the solution

A conversation recently with Richard, Bryan and Pete led to the idea that the water quality problem in the Waikato (and it's true elsewhere in NZ), could lead to a creative solution. It was reported that the water in the rivers and streams in the Waikato is so polluted that it is now "dangerous for even stock to drink". Setting aside for a moment the somewhat odd idea that stock (or animals other than humans) are somehow less valuable or can process poisons more effectively than us and were able to drink polluted water before but shouldn't anymore, what's happening here? » Read more

How to build a Solar Oven

This page, with multiple embedded video is the best information I have seen on this subject. A big thanks to Andrew Cavanagh at

How To Make Your Own Solar Oven Videos And Instructions:
You can cook a large percentage of your food using just the power of the sun (all you need is sunshine). Making your own solar oven is very, very easy (a child can do it...literally). On this page we show you exactly how to make your ownworking solar oven with stuff you have lying around your house right now.

Here's one of the videos to get you started: » Read more

Lifecapacity's picture - Wholistic Integrity - Wholistic Integrity.

LifeCapacity projects catalyse land-custodians' TreeRootAction that » Read more

Rimu's picture

An Interview with Starhawk; sacred activism, collapse and the role of permaculture


What do you see as being the main characteristics of the challenge we face at this moment?

I think the challenge we face at this moment is pretty simple. We just need to completely transform our economy, our technology, our system of agriculture, our food system and the governance systems that go with it, and we needed to have done this all 10 years ago! It’s easy... (laughs). » Read more

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