
A new farming paradigm - Terraquaculture

Professor Haikai Tane and Kama Burwell will present Terraquaculture Training - a 4 day workshop from 6-10 April 2011.

They aim to train a new generation of farmers who will transform Aotearoa NZ's pastoral landscapes into highly productive, regenerative, healthy landscapes.

Terraquaculture is the traditional farming system of the Pacific-Asia region - farming the living water that flows through the landscape. » Read more

The problem is the solution

A conversation recently with Richard, Bryan and Pete led to the idea that the water quality problem in the Waikato (and it's true elsewhere in NZ), could lead to a creative solution. It was reported that the water in the rivers and streams in the Waikato is so polluted that it is now "dangerous for even stock to drink". Setting aside for a moment the somewhat odd idea that stock (or animals other than humans) are somehow less valuable or can process poisons more effectively than us and were able to drink polluted water before but shouldn't anymore, what's happening here? » Read more

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