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Peak oil alarm revealed by secret official talks

The Guardian says, among other things:

Behind government dismissals of 'alarmist' fears there is growing concern over critical future energy supplies.

Speculation that government ministers are far more concerned about a future supply crunch than they have admitted has been fuelled by the revelation that they are canvassing views from industry and the scientific community about "peak oil" » Read more

If all politicians could answer questions like this...

Here's a response by a politician in the UK to a question about the local sustainability initiative. What will it take for all Transition initiatives to get to this point, where the awareness, and appreciation for the Transition work is so widespread and valued?

4. Thame is trying to 'go green' with several groups springing up, ie Greening Thame and Transitions Towns; What will you do to ensure that Thame and other market towns can move towards becoming a sustainable community? » Read more

The Brixton Pound - community currency

Unleashing - a look at what it could be

Dialogue on the NZ and UK transition work

Here are two recent posts from Rob Hopkins.
This one includes extensive feedback letter from Natalie Hormann in Lower Hutt, on a proposed Memorandum of Understanding. » Read more

Transition Town Brixton (UK) launches its own currency

Rock legend David Bowie and comedian Chris Morris are among the faces that could grace the notes of a local currency being launched in Lambeth to boost trade. The former Lambeth residents are on a shortlist of famous names that could grace the "Brixton Pound” currency, being launched on September 17. » Read more

UK Govt Low Carbon Transition Plan

While I didn't read every word of Rob's thoughtful review of the UK Government's Low Caron Transition Plan my eye caught his critique on the way funds are allocated into communities.

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Ed Miliband (UK Energy Minister) talks up Transition Towns

It's just 1 minute long, but indicative of how far Transition Towns have come. » Read more

Friends Of the Earth and Climate Change education in School

I stumbled across this video ( after a friend sent me this url: - a local-shopping site in Scotland. I had no idea how much The Friends Of the Earth were doing and what they have achieved. If you watch this video here, wait till it's played and see the extra videos that appear across the bottom of the window... » Read more

Peak Oil Taskforce (UK)

Peak Oil Task Force (UK)

On 29th October 2008 at The London Stock Exchange, eight leading UK companies launched a report, The Oil Crunch: Securing the UK’s energy future, warning that a peak in cheap, easily available oil production is likely to hit by 2013, posing a grave risk to the UK and world economy. The warning comes from a broad spectrum of industry (Arup, FirstGroup, Foster + Partners, Scottish and Southern Energy, Solarcentury, Stagecoach Group, Virgin Group, Yahoo), known as The Peak Oil Group. » Read more

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