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Fruit trees for local schools & kindergartens and on Mt Eden

With the donations made on our website and the money we raised on the market day, we went fruit tree shopping. We bought 21 fruit trees for some of our local schools, play centres, kindergartens and to plant with the Friends of Mangawhau on Mangawhau. These trees will be planted on the 14 of August.

New Enviro-website for Secondary Teachers

At the recent Youth Jam camp for Eastern Bay of Plenty the teachers were able to connect and support each other, sharing ideas and resources.

I have put them all together on a new enviro-teachers wiki.  If you are a teacher then check it out here:



Future of Schools

I love watching the murals develop around Opotiki.  They are gorgeous, and create a feeling of powerful community pride.  The newest one on the wall of the college pool has a theme of education from 100 years ago to 50 years into the future.

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