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How to bring about change

A complex system (like a society) has many different aspects to it, all of which you can attempt to change. But not all aspects are equally difficult or easy to change, and in many cases those changes won't have as much affect as it would seem at first glance. Donella Meadows has written a great article which lists out the different kinds of changes we can attempt to make and orders them by effectiveness. » Read more

Camp for Climate Action Aotearoa - Its time for D.I.Y. Climate Action!

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The Famine of 2009

If you are not averse to considering some of the possible changes that may be heading our way, and appreciate when someone offers some considered ideas as to how we might respond, then consider the article below titled "The Famine of 2009". If you really don't want to look at some of the challenges our northern hemisphere family could be facing, and would rather watch some inspiring video about creating a permaculture food forest, then check out these clips - they are wonderful!

Still here? OK.

In support of this article the following link comes from the early part of the text and offers some revealing pics and a well thought through vision-for-the-nation-article entitled "Food without Fossil Fuel". In it Neal describes some solutions. In case you are still wondering, Neal's (Stranded Wind's) reputation seems pretty good if you follow the links near the end of this article in the updates section.

Certainly worth thinking about the consequences if he is only partially right. On Waiheke we are looking at a nursery for seedlings, a place where we can share information, offer courses, offer services to establish gardens for people then help them maintain them. We now have 6 applicants after advertising for a farmer/gardener for our CSA project. The Marae has plans for a massive (for Waiheke) Kumura planting using most of the harvest from this years acreages - as seed stock for next year.

Tuesday night we are holding a Sowing and Growing event at the cinema. I am planning to video the event, as it should be a full house, with great presentations and lots of discussion.

The opportunities are coming thick and fast, go grab a few. » Read more

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