
AndrewTTK's picture

Future Direction of Transition Towns Kapiti.

How do you want to make a difference in your community?

How are you willing to act to make a better world for you, your family and those around you?

What inspires you to make positive changes?


Transition Towns Kapiti is a community of people wanting to ensure a resilient future by making a difference now. » Read more

Rimu's picture

The Unnoticed Technologies

When people talk about the role of technology in the future, most of the time the technologies they have in mind are the flashy ones – that is, those that haven’t been around long enough to slip into the background texture of everyday existence. Especially in periods of decline, though, it’s far more likely to be the technologies so common they’re hardly noticed that determine, by their survival or disappearance, the fate of societies. » Read more

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