regional councils

Submission on the Draft Otago Regional Land Transport Programme‭ ‬2012-15

I am a Dunedin resident,‭ ‬I usually live on Quarantine Island but also own a house in North East Valley and spend some time there.‭  ‬Personally I use a variety of transport modes,‭ ‬often‭  ‬cycling in town and North East Valley,‭ ‬and on the lower road from Portobello to Dunedin,‭ ‬or on SH88‭ ‬from Port Chalmers to Dunedin.‭  ‬I‭  ‬also sometime use the busses on those routes,‭ ‬or travel as a passenger or very occasionally drive in from Portobello.‭  ‬There is one car in our household.‭  ‬We regularly visit Oamaru using the car,‭ ‬and I also travel on busses to Christchurch or Invercar » Read more

TT Port Chalmers Public transport meeting - Otago Daily Times

By Stu Oldham on Fri, 9 Jul 2010
Your Town: Port Chalmers | News: Dunedin | ORC | Public transport

An increased council subsidy for regional bus services might reduce the isolation of some Dunedin communities, while boosting how much people have to spend in their local economies, a sustainable living advocate says. » Read more

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