
Transition Town Wanganui 'Power Of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil'

TT Wanganui is showing 'Power Of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil'

additional screening of third movie.

1:00pm at the Environment Centre.

38 Taupo Quay

Koha appreciated.

Transition Town Wanganui 'Power of community- How Cuba Survived Peak Oil'

TT Wanganui showing 'Power of Community - How Cuba Survived Peak Oil'

Third of a series of 4 screeenings.

6:30pm Davis Lecture Theatre (Watt St)

Soup Supper!

Koha appreciated

Transition Town Wanganui 'Crude Impact'

TT Wanganui is showing 'Crude Impact'

Second of a sereis of four movie sceenings.

6:30pm at the Davis Lecture Theatre

Soup supper!

Koha appreciated.

Transition Town Wanganui

Transition Town Wanganui is showing 'Crude Impact'

additional screening of 2nd movie.

1:00pm at the Environment Centre.

38 Taupo Quay

Koha appreciated

Transition Town Wanganui, 'The End of Suburbia'

TT Wanganui is showing 'Escape from Suburbia'

First of a sereis of four movie sceenings.

6:30pm at the Davis Lecture Theatre

Soup supper!

Koha appreciated.

Transition Town Wanganui, 'Escape from Suburbia'.

Transition Town Whanganui is showing 'Escape frm Suburbia'

additional screening of first movie.

1:00pm at the Environment Centre.

38 Taupo Quay

Koha appreciated.

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