
River Week 8 to 12 November

Heaps of events all week, many free, great opportunity to enjoy the river

film night

Movie "Home"  7.30 pm Davis Lecture Theater, Whanganui

"Green Flicks" night for Conservation Week

Come along to "Green Flicks" on Tuesday 14th September, a special fillm night for Conservation Week

Presented by Sustainable Whanganui Trust and DoC

7.30 pm, Davis Lecture Theater, Museum, Whanganui, entrance off Watt Street

Gold Coin donation please for room hire

"Earth Whispers" (the story of 10 special people who have all helped our NZ environment, but each in their own way !) and an other short film

For more information contact Graham Pearson, 344-1012, pearsongandl@clear.net.nz




Movie Home to be shown Tuesday 17th August 2010

The movie "Home" is being shown at Davis Lecture theater, at the Musuem, Whanganui

7.30 pm, on Tuesday 17th August 2010


Wonderful visuals, don;t miss this great environment movie

strypey's picture

Lower north island bioregion - permaculture hui

Kia ora koutou

This is an invitation to participate in two networking tools for folks in the lower north island bioregion with an interest in permaculture. » Read more

Double event in Whanganui, 'Closer To Home'

Transition Town Whanganui is having a double event on Dec. 7th.

A World Cafe in the morning 10am-12.30pm topics around re-localisation and local resiliance ('closer to home').

We will serve lunch from locally sources produce (partly organic). 12.30pm-1.30pm

1.30pm-3.30pm  we have Collin Walker form the Wairarapa Growing Company, a CSA scheme in the Wairarapa (makes sence). » Read more

Location / Venue: 
Whanganui, Environment Centre, 38 Taupo Quay

BIO FUEL presentation

David Blume in Whanganui

'Alcohol can be a gas'

US Bio-Fuel expert comes to Whanganui.

He was a keynote speaker at this years Ecoshow, with great success.

Come and hear for yourself what is possible to rid us off the fossif fuel addicition.  

Location / Venue: 
Whanganui Environment Centre, 38 Taupo Quay
radiohadi's picture

Whanganui TT Open Space Workshops

Location / Venue: 
Environment Centre
radiohadi's picture

Sustainable Whanganui general meeting

Sustainable Whanganui monthly meetings are now bi-monthly (instead of monthly) as we transition.

Transition Town steering group meetings run weekly: Tuesdays at 3.30.


Location / Venue: 
Environment Centre

Why Transition Town?

An Information Evening with presentation and workshops.

Be prepared to get informed, build community, while having fun.

1-4pm, venue to be announced

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