What's new?

Paragraphs wanted for Aust/NZ insert into The Transition Handbook

I had a chat with Rob Hopkins last night, and he was seeking some input for a 16 page insert into an Australian edition of The Transition Handbook. This insert will also be made available so that those who have purchased the book recently can get it. » Read more

Bring & Share - Ideas & Resources: Marton

Bring & Share - Ideas & Resources

At the previous meeting we discussed a diverse range of topics and concluded that we need to develop our thinking about Transition in Marton/Rangitikei.

- Think about the areas that particularly interest you so we can see where the main concerns lie.

- Bring any relevant books/mags/videos/seeds so we can see what kind of information resources we have.

- If anybody has any edible examples of what can be grown/baked/distilled and digested please feel free to inspire us by tabling full multi-sensory specimens. » Read more

kristyr's picture


Overseas kiwis: come home now

Cheap flights are gone for good. We are currently witnessing a fast concentration of the market, because the fierce competition prevents airlines from transferring the whole fuel bill to their passengers. As the weaker players exit the arena, ticket prices will rise until the few remaining airlines can break even financially. » Read more

Rimu's picture

Transition Towns on National radio

Here's a link to a Radio NZ broadcast today.

Starts off with a lot of stories about people who were struggling before that are finding it even harder now, then moves on to interview some Transition Towns folks. The TT references begin at around 2/3 into this, and the lead in sets the tone well for why it is being embraced with such energy and urgency. Ken Ross speaks very well for the Transition model. Well worth a listen! » Read more

Carbon Footprints

The first Opotiki Coast column was published on Thursday, and got great feedback! Yay!  This next article on Carbon Footprints may need some help, does it reach the target audience? Feedback gratefully recieved, before publication next Thurs. Cheers, Kazel

Carbon Footprints » Read more

The girl who silenced the world


A 13 year old tells it the way she sees it - to the United Nations

xxancroft's picture

An Introduction to Transition Towns - MARTON

An Introduction to Transition Towns

Marton Elim Church - 7:30pm

The End of Suburbia screens in Inglewood

Come along to find out about the end of the era of cheap oil.  This film will knock your socks off.

At the Cue Theatre in Inglewood. $2 entry. 

Rimu's picture

Peak Oil : A Turning Point for Mankind

The term Peak Oil now enters the dictionary as the importance of the issue finally hits the mainstream. The International Energy Agency, which is the OECD watchdog, has long been aware of it having issued a warning in 1998 that demand would outpace supply by 2010 save for the entry of a mysterious element, termed Unidentified Unconventional, which was evidently a coded term for shortage. » Read more