What's new?

Rimu's picture

Green Drinks in the Capital City

SBN in conjunction with Intersect, The Sustainability Trust and NZAEE are delighted to invite you to attend Green Drinks in the Capital. Come along to Southern Cross Garden Bar and Restaurant to hear the finalists of the 2008 Get Sustainable Awards being announced! Enjoy good company and a drink in a relaxed and informal environment. Nibbles will also be provided and are kindly sponsored by the venue.

Venue: The Lodge, Southern Cross Garden Bar and Restaurant, 39 Abel Smith Street, Wellington

Sue Kedgley in Taupo

Sue Kedgley is having a Public Meeting on "Food prices going up, food quality going down". 73 Titiraupenga St, REAP Centre, Taupo

Kiss Your Gas Goodbye

I just spotted this in the...Post Carbon Newsletter, and thought you would enjoy it. I have already written to ask if we can get and use the graphics. Unfortunately I couldn't them into this post, and the only place I can find the graphic is in the email version of the newsletter.

Post Carbon Institute Lecture Series - Kiss Your Gas Goodbye! Peak Oil, Gas Prices & the Future of Energy » Read more

Rimu's picture

Mortgage meltdown

People lose their houses when the special low interest rate they were paying gets reset to the real rate. The scam that's been running in the US lately is that people would would hope to on-sell the houses before the rate reset, and reap the capital gains. It all goes to custard when they can't on-sell (for more than they paid), as is happening now. They're left paying a mortgage that they used to be able to afford, but when the rate resets they cannot. » Read more

Transition Hawke's Bay Stategic Planning Meeting

Transition HB - Where to in the next 6 months?

Daryl's picture

Electric Vechical Test rides.

Come test ride some of the latest electric motorbikes!

Please find more info and RSVP on the TT Social Website.

RSVP Here!


Rimu's picture

Public meeting - Wellington South

Who: Everyone!

Where: Newtown Community Centre

When: Wednesday 23rd of July, 7pm

On the 8th of July we screened the documentary 'A Crude Awakening' and as this meeting is the first since that, there will probably be some things from the documentary to discuss.

If people who are not very familiar with the Transition Towns concept, then we may talk about that for a while... Clearly the agenda for this meeting is still being finalised, so please feel free to add your own agenda items

Daryl's picture

Opec earnings reach US$1.251 trillion

Opec's earnings from oil exports are expected to reach a record US$1.251 trillion ($NZ1.68 trillion) this year, about US$73 billion more than previously estimated, the US government's top energy forecasting agency said on Tuesday. » Read more

"Farming with Nature" Permaculture - Upper Hutt

An Upper Hutt Transition Towns public meeting is being held at 7:30pm Monday 14 July, in the Lighthouse Cinema, 8 Miro St, Upper Hutt.

We will show a 35 minute video on Permaculture "Farming with Nature" followed by an introduction and discussion led by Andrew Morrison.  There will also be an update of progress on the UHTT project groups.  Entry is free, koha is welcome.  Supper will be provided.

Permaculture is a holistic approach to organic gardening encompassing soil, compost, water, and energy.

Food Prices

Food prices

The rising price of food has so many complex factors contributing that it is hard to pin-point any main cause, but in reducing our Carbon Footprint we are also able to escape from most of those costly traps.

  » Read more