East Otago Transition Collaboration

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Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
East Otago Transition Collaboration

Following the extremely successful premiere of "In Transition" in Waitati on the 3rd  of October, there has been a clearly expressed desire to build closer links, and grow our capacity through synergy. This forum is a first step - opening a space to discuss setting up the mechanics of collaboration and the shape it will take.

James Samuel
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Building closer links is the future

Hi Scott, this has been occupying my thoughts and conversations for a while now.

How can we build closer links in ways that are meaningful, respectful, honouring what each other brings, and more effective at meeting our common goals - than we could be singularly?

I intuit this is the next leap and the potentila for significant positive social change: When groups, networks and organisations discover the power of collaboration (if collaboration is the best word for this intention to share and work together and build closer links).

Peta Hudson
Peta Hudson's picture
Joined: 2 Apr 2009
East Otago Transition Collaboration

Hi there
This is very exciting! We have a wealth of people who are creative,have skills,knowledge & are inspired! Is it possible to create a data base or something like that for people who are interested in sharing the above with others?
Also where do we (East Otago)begin & end? How far north, south & west do we extend?

Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
Mechanics of Collaboration

Hi Peta and all,
I appreciated representing the Peninsula on behalf of the Peninsula group at the IN TRANSITION premiere because it gave me an insight thanks to your inspiring email of all the stuff that is going on: we all hear good stories but a short sharp synthesis is really valuable. And of course the dynamci Maureen Howard was there to add depth to my sketchy knowledge.
My feeling is that we don't need any more databases - they exist aplenty. What the "In Transition" evening demonstrated to me was that there are a good number of active communities, all with their own internal dynamics, and all were searching for more effective ways of working together. Each community is often very busy just making those internal dynamics work, however occasionally, and around certain issues, those same communities could move mountains if they pulled together.
An idea expressed at the premiere evening was to form 'working groups' - real people from each community working on specific issues and meeting in real space and real time to do so. Those 'working groups' would be comprised of one or two individuals from each integrated community, and would work on an action over a specific period. Those individuals would also be vectors of information for each community as well, as inevitably they'd learn about each community, and so we'll be able to tighten the links between us through the practice of working groups. I am certain that there will be many incidental benefits - connections of like minded people and spread of workshops etc, but the deep goal would be to build structural resilience and social strength, through our methods and forms of communication and action.

As with all the initiatives so far, the parameters we put around them (geographical) are related to need and the real shape of things on the ground, and those parameters change as we adapt to new situations on the ground. My feeling is that East Otago can be Peninsula north to Hampden, and coastal if that works for everybody, but that's something to be discussed.

1. Mechanics: via email on TT forums to settle on Working Groups? or other? Or, establishing something simple like a Google Group for each Working Group (assuming we go for this) as the key 'work site' when working at distance, and using the other forms for general discussion and public expression of progress?
2. Why working groups? Well, there are issues (Rainwater Harvesting, Regional Food Strategy, Transport - Rail particularly) that could be rapidly progressed with a combined effort, with little distraction from the daily business of each local group, yet could provide wonderful returns for each group and harness the specific talents of one or two key individuals within each group.

This isn't the only place to discuss this - but as is always the case when collaborating with different groups - we need to try out different platforms to find the one that suits!

Maureen Howard
Maureen Howard's picture
Joined: 5 Dec 2008
East Otago T Network

Thanks Scott (and James) for getting this topic off the ground. Sounds a great idea.

Personally I'm keen to be part of a loosely linked East Otago network. Our resilience lies in our separateness and also in our connections with each other. I like Scott's idea of connecting on a topic that would benefit from us all working together - such as our vision for promoting and supporting low(ish)carbon public transport in the Otago area (under ORC). Perhaps we could aim to have a meeting with ORC councillors and staff subsequent to this. Just some thoughts. I would much rather discuss such ideas in person!

Perhaps GreenDrinks Dunedin could be a casual venue for this. We meet on the last Thursday of each month - currently at Filadelfios (corner of the Gardens) from 5.30pm. EVERYONE welcome! The next one is this Thursday 29th October.

I'll be there if you want to talk about this or other ideas you have.

Transition Valley 473

Maureen Howard
Maureen Howard's picture
Joined: 5 Dec 2008
TV473 suggested projects

Hi everyone

Just a short note to give you a report back from our TV473 meeting. Our group agreed that we also are interested having an East Otago Transition network if it has a project based function. We aren't interested in it having any overarching function or meetings without clear purpose. Here's the projects we came up with at the time.
1. Bulk purchases of solar hot water
2. submission writing (Feb-May 2010) - combining efforts and expertise
3. Once yearly gathering of all the groups to share what we are doing to spread ideas

Scott Willis
Scott Willis's picture
Joined: 2 Jul 2008
East Otago TT Collaboration

Great outcome from TV473, thanks Maureen!
Agree on the project basis - think this is the consensus at present.
I like your Solar Hot Water idea. This is reassuring for me too, as the Waitati Energy Project is working on a proposal for this and would value getting wider input and expertise and being able to expand it to get good numbers.

Talk in the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust office has been around just how valuable that evening was ('IN Transition' film premiere) as a celebration and integration of our different autonomous initiatives, and what such a positive energy spilled over from it. We think the repetition of these events in a different community, once or twice a year, is one of the founding parts of any agreement to collaborate. So endorse that suggestion.

We need to set a date for a HUI to organise the parameters of eventual collaboration and agenda. Please can all other groups post to this site too?

Joined: 9 Nov 2009
Port approves

Hi All

We just had a meeting in Port Chalmers to formalise the TT group and to discuss how we want to structure things. At the meeting it was clear that collaboration with other local groups was a priority and the concept of working groups on specific projects was met with heaps of enthusiasm. Any TT group is made up of individuals with specific interests and expertise - so enabling those individuals to work with other groups in an effective way on projects that have a wider impact is just great.

We're keen to be involved, and I'll post more as our group gets established
- JC

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