Koanga Permaculture Design Course

The Koanga Institute is holding a Permaculture Design Course in April 2011.(April 9-22)

This will be held in Wairoa - on the Institute's new land which is part of a developing village. (www.communitylandtrusts.co.nz)

Permaculture is a comprehensive ecological design system that addresses the ‘why, how and what’ and empowers individuals and communities to start this redesign process now. Come and learn the ‘tools’ you will need to engage in regenerative change, from a team who are committed to ‘being the change we wish to see in the world’.

Topics covered include:

Biological agriculture
Nutrient dense food production and preparation

Fermenting and preserving food for maximum nutrition
Animal management, poultry, sheep, cows, goats and pigs. 

Seed Saving and heritage plants

Biointensive gardening

Natural building techniques and appropriate technology


Soil and water management

Perennial polycultures, and aquaculture

Community economic development
Finance and currencies

This is an amazing opportunity to learn from the teachers who have been living the solution, and developing the practical techniques for more than 30 years. The course starts with a thorough understanding of the Permaculture model of design, (the first two days). From day three you will begin developing and practicing; observation, analysis and design of our environment, within a ‘permaculture’ framework (in the real world), and getting feedback and support from our team of experienced tutors and practicing designers. The structure of most days will be theory in the morning, followed by practical demonstrations, and/or design practice in the afternoon, followed by more design practice or research after dinner then discussions or documentary films later. - Your days will be full, and fulfilling.

For more information - please contact us: info@koanga.org.nz, or check the website: www.koanga.org.nz/pdc