Press Releases

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James Samuel
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Press Releases

If you want to discuss anything related to Press Releases, this is the spot. Please add clearly titled comments below.

James Samuel
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Press Releases on Kazel's Blog

This is a great source of press release ready material. Kazel is happy to have this used by anyone, all you will need to do is copy it, make a fewe tweaks to localise it, and forward it to your local media.

Best to establish a relationship with writers in the local paper, dj's on local radio, and presenters on TV, etc.

But here are some stories you can use from Kazel's blog.

Joined: 10 Jul 2008
working with 'unsympathetic' media

Anyone got any tips on working with media who are not really into sustainability stories? We have one paper here  in HB which is fabulous and will print everything I send them word for word, another which is OK, and another which rarely prints anything, despite having it's own Sustainable Hawke's Bay page (which is often though not always superficial and not about Hawke's Bay at all!). Any tips for developing good relationships with such media organisations?

Andy Kenworthy
Andy Kenworthy's picture
Joined: 23 Jul 2008
Uninterested press?

Hi there!

Just to say we are online at Upcoming events Media Training at the mo, but will tackle this here if it helps.

The first thing I would do would be to get in contact with the person who writes that page and ask them if they have time for a chat, either on the phone or face to face.

Ask them what sort of stuff they like for the page, how they like to recieve it, and when. Then give it to them!

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