resource depletion

Who Killed Growth?

This latest video produced by Richard Heinberg and the Post-carbon Institute explains succinctly why economic growth is dead and why we are in the predicament we are in at the moment - the debt ceiling crisis and credit downgrade of the United States by Standard and Poors as well as a sovereign debt crisis in Europe that is now affecting larger countries like Spain and Italy. Most of the commentary in our media completely misses the point. » Read more

Blogspot for information on Peak Oil and climate change

I have set up a personal blog site so that I can express my views on all the things relating to Peak Oil and climate change that are ignored by government. media etc.  This means occasionally venting my spleen.

I hope that members of Transition Towns will have a look.

great US blog

I highly recommend this new US blog I discovered called Desdemona Despair - Blogging The End of the World. The author posts updates - daily or sometimes more often - of how rapidly civilization is falling apart. A little depressing but I prefer to know the truth rather than pretending it's not happening:

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