rob hopkins

Scaling up Transition - Accelerate Aotearoa anyone?

I innocently pressed play on this video on Tuesday night and did not expect what followed. This 30 minute video is in Rob's words "his favourite talk" from the recent trip he did to the US, after breaking his vow not to travel by plane.

This is by far the most impactful, energising, inspiring video I've seen in some time. It's meaningful, thoughtful, humorous, delightful and real.

Here's the link to the thoughtful article which summarises the ideas.

Rob is suggesting five factors to help the Transition movement scale up in a way that's proportionate to the challenges of our time. They are:


  1. Create a learning network
  2. Support and resource core groups
  3. Bring forward investment for Transition enterprises
  4. Become better storytellers
  5. Build an evidence base
He explains these beautifully in his article.

VIDEO: The Power of Just Doing Stuff

Local Economic Blueprint highlights potential of community resilience

From Rob Hopkin's blog at Transition Culture...

bpcovToday sees the publication of what may well turn out to be one of the most important documents yet produced by a Transition initiative.  Over the next few weeks we will be returning to it, to hear a range of perspectives on it, and hope it will generate debate and discussion.  The document is the ‘Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint‘, and you can download it for free here.  The Blueprint is the first attempt that I am aware of to map in detail a local economy and to put a value on the potential benefits of an increased degree of localisation.  If you like, it identifies “the size of the prize” of Transition.

Here Fiona Ward of the REconomy Project introduces the Blueprint:

Economic localisation has often been argued from a range of perspectives, such as being a better way forward and being more sustainable, but rarely has the economic case to back it up been clearly set out.  The Blueprint concludes that:

Rob Hopkins on Transition Towns at TED

Over the last few days I have been posting a number of videos on the subject of money. The financial implosion is almost certainly directly related to the state of our global energy reserves. Since Transition Towns look the energy issue and its related Climate issue squarely in the eye, I thought it was time to hear from Rob Hopkins about how people in communities all over the world are responding, to these very real challenges of the day.

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What does YOUR life look like?

I talked with Sion this morning for 45 mins. We spoke via our computers using skype - which even allowed us to talk while seeing each other via small but functional web cameras. while sitting on opposite sides of the world.

Sion was wanting to ask about the community garden project he had visited while on Waiheke a few months ago. Sion was bringing his refined and accurate recording skills and would attend all the meetings of the various food groups on Waiheke, then produce amazing records of our conversation like this one from the Food Hui we had at Piritahi Marae which has since spawned a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Group.

It was hard for him to get his questions in until he told me his laptop battery was getting very low. As he sat in an echo-filled rock-walled library building in an Edinburgh University, I kept quizzing him about his circumstance there in Edinburgh, and asking for pictures of where he lived (the other day he’d mentioned cleaning up dog poo in the downstairs of his tenement building in an email)... » Read more

Rob sings New Zealand’s praises in UK article!

New Zealand might be a small country, but we’re BIG on leadership!

In the recently published FOURTH WORLD REVIEW – a Transition Journal Rob Hopkins, referring to the way in which Transition has spread “with a virus degree of contagion” wrote: » Read more

Participate in editing The Transition Handbook - 2nd edition

I spoke with Rob a while ago about the idea of collaborating on the next version. Well here is the whole book and an invitation to edit it - wiki style...

Welcome to a rather exciting new venture for the Transition movement. Since the Transition Handbook was published in March 2008, it has been a very popular guide to the idea, now being published in a number of languages as the Transition movement spreads around the world. As these ideas are tried and tested in many cultures, contexts and different scales, the idea is to invite those who have actually been experimenting with it on the ground to rewrite the book. » Read more

Lewes Pound launches 9th September!

Starts with an interview with Rob Hopkins, then the local Mayor at the launch of the Lewes Pound. They filled the hall and made it clear - this is a new moment in our history together. Want some inspiration? Click play...

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The power of Community

When I first watched Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth”, my ears pricked up when he talked about actions we could do to personally combat climate change.  I was all fired up to do whatever it took to prevent the polar ice caps from melting, to save the polar bears, to turn back the rising tides.  He mentioned changing to energy efficient lightbulbs, and lobbying government. » Read more

Where it all began

In 2001 Rob Hopkins began teaching a Practical Sustainablity course in Ireland, based on the principles of Permaculture.   More than just an organic gardening technique, it encompasses a whole way of thinking about the world and how we use it.  The foundations are Earth care, people care, an » Read more

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