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Documents released under the Official Information Act reveal National Government systematically denying appropriate response to IEA warning
Submitted by mangawhaitransi... on 4 November 2011 - 8:41am | StoryKia ora ! » Read more
Kia ora 350 Aotearoa!
Submitted by James Samuel on 7 July 2009 - 10:38am | updated 07 Jul 2009 | Local news
There was a fantastic turnout in Wellington last night for the first session of the government’s consultation meetings on greenhouse gas emissions, with close to 400 people gathering to express their views and concerns to Climate Change Minister Nick Smith.
The audience was diverse and broad reaching, encompassing a wide range of people of different ages and backgrounds, from business leaders to young mothers to leading representatives from Oxfam and Greenpeace, to high school students, farmers, youth leaders and activists. One by one the people lined up, and one by one their messages aligned - a unanimous call for a committed reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020. The voices were varied but the message the same - that now is the time for New Zealand to act as an example to the rest of the world, to be bold and decisive, and to step up to the most serious and pressing issue of our times.
Several people from 350 took to the microphone to express their views, inviting the Minister to engage with us and take a bold stand at Copenhagen. One 350 member laid down the challenge through a rousing haka that was met with a storm of approval by the crowd. Another reminded the Minister that many of the audience were people who would not have voted for National in the last elections, but were still present at the consultation to offer their encouragement and support. Another called on the government to act on the science, but lead from the heart, to embody a spirit of leadership that reflects the impassioned hopes of a generation who will have to live on with the decisions our governments make.
To see some of our 350 Wellington crew in action at last night's meeting: click here!
The haka is at the end of this video - watch and be inspired! » Read more

Transition Towns Aotearoa National Meeting. Your input requested.
Submitted by Daryl on 20 February 2009 - 11:05am | Blog entryAn important message to all transitioners in Aotearoa
Submitted by James Samuel on 5 February 2009 - 1:29pm | updated 05 Feb 2009 | Blog entryAs many of you will know I offered to support the transition work in New Zealand, while facilitating the first transition workshops at the October 2007 Eco Show. The speed at which the work grew took me by surprise and I found myself running to keep up. 15 months later it is time to make some changes. I can no longer be working alone in the role of national facilitator, and it is urgent that the transition work gets more support. While I have received some financial support (for which I am most grateful) and also a little practical support, the time has come to widen the circle of people who assume some key responsibilities for this work in order to make it sustainable, and to rightly honour what has been an amazing response by many, many people all over the country.
I have been calling some people to see if they would like to attend a gathering to form a shared leadership team, and assume key roles in supporting the ongoing growth and development of the Transition work for New Zealand. » Read more
Transition Towns in the Media
Submitted by James Samuel on 3 September 2008 - 4:41pm | updated 03 Sep 2008 | StoryA while ago I set up a Google search and reader that finds links if Transition Towns appears in the news anywhere. I was astounded to find 25 new items when I looked today! Here are 16 of them!
Timing is right for transition
Southern Highland News, Australia - 3 hours ago
CANWin member Kathy Biddlecombe said the petition had succeeded in raising awareness of the Transition Town movement in the community and among council …
Life After Oil: Designing the Transition
Los Angeles Streetsblog, CA - 10 hours ago
Join us as we explore the Transition Towns concept that is catching on like wildfire in the UK. What Can We Do about peak oil and global warming? …

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