
The tipping points of James Hansen, climate scientist

The tipping points of James Hansen, climate scientist


Jonathan Oosterman

Thursday 28th April, 2011 » Read more

Leave the coal in the hole - James Hansen coming to NZ

I went to a meeting of concerned citizens tonight.

It was advertised as a strategy discussion to see how we might get the most value from a visit by James Hansen, author of “Storms of my Grandchildren”, who is coming to New Zealand in May next year (11th - 21st).

I wasn’t sure what I expected, it was more one of those invitations I had responded to out of a hunch. There were some good people on the invite list and I felt I may be able to serve in some way, perhaps by taking information and seeding it into some of those wonderful overlapping networks that seem to spread and cover the country.

While we had some good discussions about the visit, the ‘highlight’ if you can call it that, came from Jeanette Fitzsimons, past co-leader of the Green Party - recently retired, but not idle.

She spoke about the energy direction that New Zealand is being taken down, if unknowingly. A cooperation of influential parties in Government and business is taking us on the path of digging up more coal. » Read more

senjmito's picture

New research shows 7 out of 10 Kiwis want NZ Govt to prepare for Peak Oil

WWF NZ has commissioned a couple of opinion polls on the government's response (or
lack of it) to projected oil price increases. Here are the press releases they issued about the results. Both are well worth checking out. » Read more

Technological solutions for global warming

I believe I've found a way to immediately cool the Earth cheaply and simply, profitably turn CO2 from coal-fired plants into fuel, de-acidify the ocean with a practical mechancial method, and produce cheap, clean, abundant  power portably: » Read more

Rimu's picture

UK energy usage

Click on the image for a more detailed and readable PDF version!

This chart shows energy sources as coming in from the left, energy uses as leaving on the right, and energy losses/exports as falling out the bottom.

Aside from the obvious huge gas and oil inputs, some other points of interest (warning, back-of-the-napkin quality calculations ahead!): » Read more

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